Lenpaste is a web service that allows you to share notes anonymously, an alternative to pastebin.com.
- No need to register
- Supports multiple languages
- Uses cookies only to store settings
- Can work without JavaScript
- Has its own API
- Open source and self-hosted
docker-compose.yml file:
version: "2"
image: git.lcomrade.su/root/lenpaste:latest
container_name: pastebin
restart: always
# All parameters are optional
# HTTP server
# Database settings
- LENPASTE_DB_DRIVER=sqlite3 # Currently supported drivers: 'sqlite3' and 'postgres'.
- LENPASTE_DB_SOURCE=/data/lenpaste.db # DB source.
- LENPASTE_DB_MAX_OPEN_CONNS=25 # Maximum number of connections to the database.
- LENPASTE_DB_MAX_IDLE_CONNS=5 # Maximum number of idle connections to the database.
- LENPASTE_DB_CLEANUP_PERIOD=3h # Interval at which the DB is cleared of expired but not yet deleted pastes.
# Search engines
- LENPASTE_ROBOTS_DISALLOW=true # Prohibits search engine crawlers from indexing site using robots.txt file.
# Storage limits
- LENPASTE_TITLE_MAX_LENGTH=100 # Maximum length of the paste title. If 0 disable title, if -1 disable length limit.
- LENPASTE_BODY_MAX_LENGTH=20000 # Maximum length of the paste body. If -1 disable length limit. Can't be -1.
- LENPASTE_MAX_PASTE_LIFETIME=unlimited # Maximum lifetime of the paste. Examples: 10m, 1h 30m, 12h, 7w, 30d, 365d.
# Rate limits
- LENPASTE_GET_PASTES_PER_5MIN=50 # Maximum number of pastes that can be VIEWED in 5 minutes from one IP. If 0 disable rate-limit.
- LENPASTE_GET_PASTES_PER_15MIN=100 # Maximum number of pastes that can be VIEWED in 15 minutes from one IP. If 0 disable rate-limit.
- LENPASTE_GET_PASTES_PER_1HOUR=500 # Maximum number of pastes that can be VIEWED in 1 hour from one IP. If 0 disable rate-limit.
- LENPASTE_NEW_PASTES_PER_5MIN=15 # Maximum number of pastes that can be CREATED in 5 minutes from one IP. If 0 disable rate-limit.
- LENPASTE_NEW_PASTES_PER_15MIN=30 # Maximum number of pastes that can be CREATED in 15 minutes from one IP. If 0 disable rate-limit.
- LENPASTE_NEW_PASTES_PER_1HOUR=40 # Maximum number of pastes that can be CREATED in 1 hour from one IP. If 0 disable rate-limit.
# Information about server admin
- LENPASTE_ADMIN_NAME= # Name of the administrator of this server.
- LENPASTE_ADMIN_MAIL= # Email of the administrator of this server.
# WEB interface settings
- LENPASTE_UI_DEFAULT_LIFETIME= # Lifetime of paste will be set by default in WEB interface. Examples: 10min, 1h, 1d, 2w, 6mon, 1y.
- LENPASTE_UI_DEFAULT_THEME=dark # Sets the default theme for the WEB interface. Examples: dark, light.
# /data/lenpaste.db - SQLite DB if used.
# /data/about - About this server (TXT file).
# /data/rules - This server rules (TXT file).
# /data/terms - This server "terms of use" (TXT file).
# /data/themes/* - External WEB interface themes.
# /data/lenpasswd - If this file exists, the server will ask for auth to create new pastes.
# File format: USER:PLAIN_PASSWORD on each line.
- "./data:/data"
- "/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro"
- "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
- "9091:80"
Source: https://github.com/gregorgodler/pastebin, https://git.lcomrade.su/root/lenpaste